Monday, October 3, 2011

Trying something new... and being creative with it!

So, while we're waiting for the official start of year two, we're trying a little experiment. Under the careful eye of our favorite personal trainer A (getting joke choked by G here), we're embarking on a couple of weeks of weights, cardio and plyometrics. This custom program calls for use of a suspension trainer - but who has an extra $200 or more to spend when this sport has already burned a serious hole in our wallets? So, taking some good advice and a youtube video, I made us each a rock-solid, heavy-duty suspension training system akin to the TRX but for a tenth of the price. Yup - for less than $20 a pop we now each have the pleasure of hanging on appropriately girly salmon-pink straps. I've tested them on the kids (pretty hilarious), on the chin-up bar hanging on my bedroom door (the key is to hang on the CORRECT side of the door so as not to go flying face down), fashioned my own door anchor (works, but eh, doesn't thrill me, cuz in my tiny little house i end up in the bathroom and who wants to work out in there?) and finally hit upon the idea of throwing the straps up over one of the open joists in my garage (which i spent all Sunday cleaning out and organizing - now i barely recognize it it's so open and uncluttered!). Lo and behold I think we have a winner. I might go and get some padded rubber mats tho, just in case i do take a nose dive... the coarse aggregate in my historic concrete floor could definitely make a bit of a mark. Now if I can only remember how i'm supposed to do the exercises, we'll be all set!

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