OMG so much has been happening!! So, we trained like mad, went to Tampa to check out and paddle with members of past USA national teams and other hopefuls like ourselves, then had our own crew's training camp in Myrtle Beach, then trained some more back in Montreal... and then did qualifying time trials on an OC1 (outrigger canoe) to see if any of it had paid off.
We BOTH made the cut for Team USA.
I was in the garden, doing a bit of weeding and whatnot, when my teenager ran out of the house yelling.
"Mommmm!! Aunty G is on the phone. She's crying. I think something's wrong!"
I bolted out of the bushes and grabbed the phone with my grubby, dirt-caked hands. G was SOBBING uncontrollably.
"Breathe, woman, I can't understand a word you're saying!" I said. "WTF is going on?"
"Did.. you.. sniff.. get.. sniff... an email... hic hic sniff...?"
"No, I'm in the garden.. what happened.."
"OMG L... I made it. I made T-sniff-E-sniff-A-sniff-M USA!" (more wailing and sniffing)
"HOLY SHIT, we just tested yesterday!"
We hung up, I checked my messages, and called her back.
"MEEEE TOOOOO!! And apparently I need to go to freakin' Philly and retest because my time was close to what they're looking for for Premier. Double Holy Shit!"
Blah blah blah, lots of yelling, sniffing, choking, laughing, disbelief, etc. Hard to believe that when we first decided to set out on this journey we were told not to kid ourselves, that we weren't athletes. Just goes to show - if you believe in something, and want it bad enough, you can DO ANYTHING.
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