Monday, June 4, 2012

3 weeks til take-off!

This time 3 weeks from now G and I will be at the airport waiting to board our flight to Hong Kong. We'll probably be hyped on our signature double espressos and nattering excitedly about the championships and living our dream. In between the moans of dread at the looming 15 hour flight ahead.. blargh! Not looking forward to that at ALL. But what's on the other side... aaaah!

We spent the weekend in Connecticut, working a community festival that unfortunately ended in near crashes and a sinking only four races into it. Converging rivers, crazy currents and nutso waves forced an early cancellation - sometimes we forget just how dependent we are on the mother nature. We paddle through rain and snow, fire and .. ok ok maybe not snow and fire. But speaking of insane weather - we had tornado warnings here last week. And STILL G and I agonized over whether or not to attempt the drive to Montreal for practice.

"Oh eff it, let's just go."
"OK." ... five minutes later...
"Dude we should just stay home. One practice won't kill us. But the weather might."
"Yeah, ok, we should be smart. Let's stay home and just do a killer workout here."
"Yeah!" ... five minutes later...
"It doesn't look SO bad. Wanna just go?"
"Umm... yeah... but I dunno..."
And so on and so on. Really? We questioned a TORNADO? HAHAHA. That's dedication! (Or insanity? You decide!) Ultimately we decided to stay home. And then practice was cancelled. And 2.5 inches of rain caused flash flooding and insanity in Montreal - so it proved to be the right decision.

Here's hoping for sun and warmth tomorrow!

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