Friday, February 3, 2012

Personal best in the Miami marathon (and period!)

the marathon girl
G's back, full of vim and vigor as the saying goes. The Miami sun did her a world of good,  she came home with two medals, and shaved 9 minutes off last year's time in the 13.1. That's HUGE!! Congrats to my girl. Next year A & I are going to join her in the fun. A 5K on Saturday followed by the 13.1 on Sunday... with 25,000 runners. Sounds like glorious mayhem!

But, despite her accomplishments in this race, she has proved incapable of coming up with her rendition of last month's fit test.

"I was on the beeeeach!" she says, throwing up her hands. "You can't write on the beach!" (No, of course you can't - the stupid little umbrella keeps falling out of the drink and rolling across the page. What was I thinking?)

I'm not feeling particularly verbose today. We're both hurting from yesterday's circuit. We were divided into teams of 4-5 people, and had 5 stations to attack: PLUs, bench press on ball (with 30, 40 or 45lbs barbells); jump rope; wall balls, and lunges. The goal was for each team to complete, between them, around 2000 reps of each exercise. Can you do the math? 2000 divided by 4 people = 500 reps. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD. We did our favorites first (for me that's bench and jumprope, followed by wall balls, PLUs and lunges, in that order), then attempted the ones we weren't so crazy about. I have blocked out everything past 220 reps on the bench, 600 jumprope jumps, 150 walls balls, 160 lunges and somewhere around 140 PLUs. At that point it was just getting to an even number, crawling over to the wall, marking down your number, crawling to the next station, and trying to make those parts of your body that weren't seizing up to keep going. OK OK so it wasn't quite that dramatic, but we did seriously want to puke at the end of that. We were nastier, sweatier, smellier than we'd been in a long time. It was AWESOME.

Today we've been exchanging texts since 7am.

We're gonna hurt today.

I am sore.

I can't lift things up or put them down.

Lord, my legs hurt more than the day after the half marathon!

My abs just said "hello!"

I hurt from neck to feet.

My legs... owwwww....

Manhattans are a great way to forget your pain though! Now a good night's sleep and two-hours of practice tomorrow. Can't wait!

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