Wednesday, October 26, 2011
One month to the fate-deciding-fit-test
Ok so maybe it won't decide our ENTIRE fate, but it sounds good. Today, inspired by last night's Biggest Loser episode, G and I cranked it up a notch in the gym. We sweated, we grunted, we came to the brink of throwing up. We also self-tested our max bench weight at the beginning of the workout and were VERY pleased with the results. We're stronger than we thought!! Phew! Hooray! Hallelujah! Tomorrow we head north for circuit training.. last week was full of yoga and stretching (truth be told that slow deliberate stuff is not my favorite, since ADD-afflicted as I am I have a hard time sitting still, but my body really appreciated it). I don't think we'll get off so easy this week... in fact, I half expect we're gonna get murdered properly. If you never hear from us again, you know what happened. (Is anybody even out there? Sometimes I wonder if we're just talking to crazy people in little white rooms...)
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
A crazy event with a crazy crowd!
So every year, G's BFF (yes she has more than one, I have to share her) organizes a run in memory of her dead cat. (I assume it's dead.) Well, I say every year, but I believe this was actually only the 3rd annual such run. Anyway, the first year I got injured, the second year I can't remember why I missed it (probably because G skipped it AGAIN due to baseball, but, since the Red Sox got creamed and ousted early this year, she was available). The logistics (in theory) are very cool... it's a staggered start, so everyone estimates how long they'll take to run the distance, and the slowest go first, then the next slowest, etc.. with the idea that (assuming everyone was honest) everyone will cross the finish line at the same time.
Of course, however, people aren't honest. Or overestimate, just to be safe :) Plus most of us are super competitive.. we can't really play nice. And then there are the 'added value' elements that make the run crazy. Last year's runners had to down babyfood at the halfway point apparently... what we'd have to do this year was anybody's guess.
A (who'd agreed to join us only if he could be a cheerleader cuz he was nursing a knee injury, uh huh) was our fantabulous time keeper/starter. P was our half-way surpriser. In the first group, off went G with 2 others. 3 minutes later, it was my turn along with the handsome fellow on the far right of the photo. "I haven't run in 6 months" quipped he earlier... didn't stop him from dashing off like a mad man on fire though. I wasn't about to let him get ahead of me but I was definitely a) wondering how the heck I was gonna maintain such an insane pace for 3 miles and b) wondering if my timekeeping skills were as bad as my math skills because this did NOT feel like a 10-minute mile pace! (He eventually paid for his foolishness which was compounded by the halfway surprise but that's another matter entirely.)
The rest of the 9 followed in a few more groupings, and the race was on. As I rounded the last curve (dirt road, hilly, at the base of Camel's Hump mountain) before the halfway point, G and her group were coming toward me. G was grimacing. "You're NOT gonna like that!" Oh GREAT. Just fabulous.
When I got to P though, and saw the bottle of liquor he was holding - i thought, ha! Piece of cake! I got to him, took the shot glass and with a quick "cheers" downed whatever it was (think I'm too trusting?), gave the glass back, turned around and started the run back. I had a fire in my belly now. Good GOD what WAS that shit!? It was good, don't get me wrong, but $#%^&(!!!! Very glad I'd had breakfast. (Unlike my unfortunate starting partner whose breakfast WAS the shot. Ouch.) Determined not to let anything slow me down, I cranked up my pace a notch, and caught up with the threesome ahead of me. (Thankfully I hadn't gotten passed yet.) I caught up, and sped up some more. Maybe a shot of something should be part of every run? This was pretty cool! P bombed past me on his motorbike... guess that meant everyone had passed the halfway line... if I was gonna get passed, now would be the time. Go faster feet, faster!
G got some fire of her own and started a mad dash after me "that's my partner!!!!" she was yelling in her head, and pretty soon we had the finish line in sight. I saw A's smiling face and was practically pleading as I got near... "PLEEEEEASE tell me this is the finish line and I can stop!!??"
P was back there at this point too and had an almost evil grin on his face. "Well, you can't win until you drink this" he says, handing me a beer. GOOD GOD. REALLY?? Hmm... well I AM parched... and it's a nasty light beer, so other than the bubbles, just like water right? HAHAHAHA. Not nearly. But I managed to chug my way to victory. And G? The Runner Up (yes, of course she chugged too). Yeah!!! Hungry Dragons Dominate! (We won't mention anyone lowballing times or getting disqualified for not imbibing, or any of that stuff, as that would dilute the story and our victory.)
Anyway, it was a good laugh, a good time, and was followed by a phenomenal feast up at P's and K's (the BFF of the dead cat) amazing house. Life is good.
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2011 PusHy Run runners - the winner has the kitty ears on ... can you spot them?? |
A (who'd agreed to join us only if he could be a cheerleader cuz he was nursing a knee injury, uh huh) was our fantabulous time keeper/starter. P was our half-way surpriser. In the first group, off went G with 2 others. 3 minutes later, it was my turn along with the handsome fellow on the far right of the photo. "I haven't run in 6 months" quipped he earlier... didn't stop him from dashing off like a mad man on fire though. I wasn't about to let him get ahead of me but I was definitely a) wondering how the heck I was gonna maintain such an insane pace for 3 miles and b) wondering if my timekeeping skills were as bad as my math skills because this did NOT feel like a 10-minute mile pace! (He eventually paid for his foolishness which was compounded by the halfway surprise but that's another matter entirely.)
The rest of the 9 followed in a few more groupings, and the race was on. As I rounded the last curve (dirt road, hilly, at the base of Camel's Hump mountain) before the halfway point, G and her group were coming toward me. G was grimacing. "You're NOT gonna like that!" Oh GREAT. Just fabulous.
When I got to P though, and saw the bottle of liquor he was holding - i thought, ha! Piece of cake! I got to him, took the shot glass and with a quick "cheers" downed whatever it was (think I'm too trusting?), gave the glass back, turned around and started the run back. I had a fire in my belly now. Good GOD what WAS that shit!? It was good, don't get me wrong, but $#%^&(!!!! Very glad I'd had breakfast. (Unlike my unfortunate starting partner whose breakfast WAS the shot. Ouch.) Determined not to let anything slow me down, I cranked up my pace a notch, and caught up with the threesome ahead of me. (Thankfully I hadn't gotten passed yet.) I caught up, and sped up some more. Maybe a shot of something should be part of every run? This was pretty cool! P bombed past me on his motorbike... guess that meant everyone had passed the halfway line... if I was gonna get passed, now would be the time. Go faster feet, faster!
G got some fire of her own and started a mad dash after me "that's my partner!!!!" she was yelling in her head, and pretty soon we had the finish line in sight. I saw A's smiling face and was practically pleading as I got near... "PLEEEEEASE tell me this is the finish line and I can stop!!??"
P was back there at this point too and had an almost evil grin on his face. "Well, you can't win until you drink this" he says, handing me a beer. GOOD GOD. REALLY?? Hmm... well I AM parched... and it's a nasty light beer, so other than the bubbles, just like water right? HAHAHAHA. Not nearly. But I managed to chug my way to victory. And G? The Runner Up (yes, of course she chugged too). Yeah!!! Hungry Dragons Dominate! (We won't mention anyone lowballing times or getting disqualified for not imbibing, or any of that stuff, as that would dilute the story and our victory.)
Anyway, it was a good laugh, a good time, and was followed by a phenomenal feast up at P's and K's (the BFF of the dead cat) amazing house. Life is good.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Something weird(er) is happening...
Got to the gym, no G, so hopped on the treadmill to warm up. Had a nice long uphill walk, decided I'd had enough... hopped back off, turned around.. there she was! All bundled up in her hoodie from the brrr outdoors... she hung her backpack on the hook by the door, peeled off her hoodie and... WAS DRESSED ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME AS ME. The only difference.. her shorts had stripes in them, and mine were solid blue. On top - black tank tops. And this was the SECOND time this week. On Monday we showed up in the exact same shirts and similar bottoms. Guess we really are twins.... what could be next?
Got our pictures in one of the local papers...
Does that mean we can sign autographs now? That we can get a movie deal? That we have to come up with an array of disguises for when we want to go out in public? HAHA. Just kidding. We've still got a long way to go, and by no means are we ensured a spot on that final Hong Kong roster of course, but a little attention (or fock-us, haha inside joke, don't worry if you don't get it and don't ask either because we probably won't tell you) like this really goes a long way to keeping our momentum and inspiration going!
First circuit of the winter season...
Since we'll be whooping up G's birthday with an all-out all-star bash the same day the first Saturday training circuit and pool paddle is scheduled (seriously coach, didn't you know it's a national holiday? and we have to do our hair?? what were you thinking???) we decided to get our butts up north and join the Thursday circuit - see the team, get back in the groove, blah blah blah. We met as usual, I threw all my junk into the back of G's car and off we sped.
We pull up to the border, G hands over our documents.
Border guard: Bonjour
G: Bonjour!
Guard: Where are you going?
G: To practice. On the Lachine Canal [Excellent, here we go again. Canada is bigger than DB and the Lachine Canal, but I'll keep my mouth shut.]
Guard: Is this your only license?
G: Who? Me?
Guard: Yes you.
G: Oh, yes... why?
Guard: It's expired.
G: What??!! It's expired?? ... OHHHH!!! My BIRTHDAY!! It expired YESTERDAY! OH MY GOD!
Guard: chuckles.
G: I PROMISE IF YOU LET ME GO I WILL GO AND RENEW IT STRAIGHT AWAY TOMORROW! OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. OH MY GOD! [hangs head in shame and disbelief. Me trying not to pee myself with laughter at this point]
Guard: chuckles some more. You might have a problem on the other side.
G: Oh dear.
[a little more back and forth that i can't remember but it's not all that get the idea]
Guard: Have a nice day. [Waves us off.]
G: Oh thank you thank you!
HAHAHAHA. Barely 40 and already senile.. good sign for fun times ahead. hee!
We pull up to the border, G hands over our documents.
Border guard: Bonjour
G: Bonjour!
Guard: Where are you going?
G: To practice. On the Lachine Canal [Excellent, here we go again. Canada is bigger than DB and the Lachine Canal, but I'll keep my mouth shut.]
Guard: Is this your only license?
G: Who? Me?
Guard: Yes you.
G: Oh, yes... why?
Guard: It's expired.
G: What??!! It's expired?? ... OHHHH!!! My BIRTHDAY!! It expired YESTERDAY! OH MY GOD!
Guard: chuckles.
G: I PROMISE IF YOU LET ME GO I WILL GO AND RENEW IT STRAIGHT AWAY TOMORROW! OH MY GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. OH MY GOD! [hangs head in shame and disbelief. Me trying not to pee myself with laughter at this point]
Guard: chuckles some more. You might have a problem on the other side.
G: Oh dear.
[a little more back and forth that i can't remember but it's not all that get the idea]
Guard: Have a nice day. [Waves us off.]
G: Oh thank you thank you!
HAHAHAHA. Barely 40 and already senile.. good sign for fun times ahead. hee!
border crossing,
dragon boat,
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Today is G's 40th birthday. She's finally back from vacation and we are going to celebrate the big event appropriately with a kick-ass workout. Today's focus is back and shoulders, plus some abs thrown in for good measure. I hope the gym is prepared for us, 'cause we're gonna OWN it today! Who wants to bet that the birthday girl will be so pumped that I'll have to hustle to keep up with her!?
Tomorrow we head to Montreal for an indoor circuit - the first one of the season with our team. It seems like it's been for freakin' ever already.. can't wait to see everyone again and see what new faces there might be too :) And start readying ourselves for the first fitness test - November 26 is gonna come so fast!
Tomorrow we head to Montreal for an indoor circuit - the first one of the season with our team. It seems like it's been for freakin' ever already.. can't wait to see everyone again and see what new faces there might be too :) And start readying ourselves for the first fitness test - November 26 is gonna come so fast!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Miserable and missing each other
G is away on vacation, visiting family in warmer climates. I miss her like crazy. Working out by myself sucks eggs. She's had family to workout with but apparently that's not cutting the mustard either.
Me (texting):
My abs and back are so sore today! How is your body?
Why aren't you heeeeeere? I miss you!!
U r not allowed to go on vacation again (unless you take me too)
Seriously... I am dying to workout with you. Everyone else sucks.
(I think there was also a bit about her 'spotter' talking too much, to the extent she just wanted to slap him, hahahaa)
I miss you... Sunday I am back :)
Tried my first TRX (ok ok, "suspension trainer" seeing as it's a home-made knock-off version) workout on Tuesday. Focused on chest and biceps... Not easy at all. Afterwards I felt like my biceps had swollen to double their size..they were so stiff and tight. And despite not really being able to do full extension on all of the exercises, I am feeling the effects like nobody's business. And then the abs piece on top of that. ouch! Stretching, coughing, even laughing hurts! Today I'm going back for more - back and shoulders this time. And abs of course. Is it 3 o'clock yet????
Me (texting):
My abs and back are so sore today! How is your body?
Why aren't you heeeeeere? I miss you!!
U r not allowed to go on vacation again (unless you take me too)
Seriously... I am dying to workout with you. Everyone else sucks.
(I think there was also a bit about her 'spotter' talking too much, to the extent she just wanted to slap him, hahahaa)
I miss you... Sunday I am back :)
Tried my first TRX (ok ok, "suspension trainer" seeing as it's a home-made knock-off version) workout on Tuesday. Focused on chest and biceps... Not easy at all. Afterwards I felt like my biceps had swollen to double their size..they were so stiff and tight. And despite not really being able to do full extension on all of the exercises, I am feeling the effects like nobody's business. And then the abs piece on top of that. ouch! Stretching, coughing, even laughing hurts! Today I'm going back for more - back and shoulders this time. And abs of course. Is it 3 o'clock yet????
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Wanted: 2 OC1s
So, here's the thing. Kayaks on our beloved lake do not good practice for an OC1 time trial make. We're going to need to get a little creative now (not to mention shamelessly, unabashedly ask for donations and free gifts - for the price of a little advertising of course!)
All joking aside... the only way we're going to accomplish what we need to do, make the roster for Hong Kong and make the cut for Team USA is to get ourselves the right boats to practice and perfect our technique, sprints and endurance. Here's a little video of the 2011 OC1 timed trials in Philly.... looks like slow heavy water. Ick.
I wonder if my garage is long enough to house one...
All joking aside... the only way we're going to accomplish what we need to do, make the roster for Hong Kong and make the cut for Team USA is to get ourselves the right boats to practice and perfect our technique, sprints and endurance. Here's a little video of the 2011 OC1 timed trials in Philly.... looks like slow heavy water. Ick.
I wonder if my garage is long enough to house one...
Monday, October 3, 2011
Trying something new... and being creative with it!
So, while we're waiting for the official start of year two, we're trying a little experiment. Under the careful eye of our favorite personal trainer A (getting joke choked by G here), we're embarking on a couple of weeks of weights, cardio and plyometrics. This custom program calls for use of a suspension trainer - but who has an extra $200 or more to spend when this sport has already burned a serious hole in our wallets? So, taking some good advice and a youtube video, I made us each a rock-solid, heavy-duty suspension training system akin to the TRX but for a tenth of the price. Yup - for less than $20 a pop we now each have the pleasure of hanging on appropriately girly salmon-pink straps. I've tested them on the kids (pretty hilarious), on the chin-up bar hanging on my bedroom door (the key is to hang on the CORRECT side of the door so as not to go flying face down), fashioned my own door anchor (works, but eh, doesn't thrill me, cuz in my tiny little house i end up in the bathroom and who wants to work out in there?) and finally hit upon the idea of throwing the straps up over one of the open joists in my garage (which i spent all Sunday cleaning out and organizing - now i barely recognize it it's so open and uncluttered!). Lo and behold I think we have a winner. I might go and get some padded rubber mats tho, just in case i do take a nose dive... the coarse aggregate in my historic concrete floor could definitely make a bit of a mark. Now if I can only remember how i'm supposed to do the exercises, we'll be all set!
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