This week we have shown marked improvement all around.. so much so that we sit at work antsy as hell until it's time to punch out and head to the gym. It's pretty ridiculous. Something must be wrong with us... Me, I've been trying to find creative ways to fit a few chinups into my workplace routine, but so far have come up with zilch. I did try hanging from the toilet stall, but who knew there's a razor-sharp metal edge on the top of the stupid thing? I know chinups are supposed to be painful - but come on! And G "hangs like a monkey" every chance she gets at home, so much so that she's apparently learned how to cook with her feet (seeing as her chin-up bar is in the kitchen...great visual don't you think? And don't worry - hers are some of the prettiest, softest and cleanest feet i've ever seen!)
only 92 more torturous minutes until i can get the hell outta this office chair and change the work clothes for workout ones....
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